The Role of Efficient Consumer Response in Assisting Business Excellence

Herbert Kotzab, David Bruce Grant, Mogens Bjerre, Jesper Aastrup, Thomas Reutterer, Aseem Kinra

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning


Business excellence represents the absolute or best quality a firm can deliver to satisfy its customers. The European efficient consumer response (ECR) initiative was formed to re-engineer the way business is done in the grocery industry to achieve business excellence by implementing cooperative strategies between retailer and manufacturer to fulfil consumer needs better, faster and at less cost. However, ECR implementation has not been smooth in most settings and thus business excellence in ECR supply chains is lacking. This paper reports on an exploratory study of the Austrian grocery supply chain that examined the success factors and pitfalls that have to be considered when translating ECR techniques into a business excellence framework.
TitelAdvances in Marketing : Linking Organizations and Customers. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Marketing Advances 2006
RedaktørerWilliam J. Kehoe, Linda K. Witten
ForlagSociety for Marketing Advances
ISBN (Trykt)0967605970
StatusUdgivet - 2006
BegivenhedAdvances in Marketing Linking organizations and Customers - Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Varighed: 1 nov. 20064 nov. 2006


KonferenceAdvances in Marketing Linking organizations and Customers
ByNashville, Tennessee

Bibliografisk note

Opstilling: 339.37 rol
Løbe nr.: 067650


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