The Ownership Barometer: Analyzing the Owner-Type of KALK's Founder

Camilla Nellemann (Producent)

Publikation: Bidrag der ikke har en tekstformLyd og/eller billed produktion (digital)Undervisning


This case describes one of the Ownership Barometer’s (Korsager, 2016) three owner-types, namely the formal owner. The Ownership Barometer is an analytic tool to analyze an owner-manager’s feeling of ownership. The case exemplifies the formal owner-type by describing the character of KALK’s founder, Mr Michael Jorgensen. His son, Mr Rasmus Jorgensen, explains how his father managed their family business, how he collaborated with the father when he joined the company, and how he eventually managed to take over the company after his father. The case draws on the author’s interviews of Mr Rasmus Jorgensen and Mrs Anne Lise Jorgensen conducted from December 2016 to February 2017.
Publikationsdato8 sep. 2017
StatusUdgivet - 8 sep. 2017

Bibliografisk note

Video case - Reference no. 317-0333-3


  • Business psychology
  • The Ownership Barometer
  • Ownership transfer
  • Exit planning
  • Family business
  • Entrepreneurship
