The Online Grocery Consumer: Results from Two Scandinavian Surveys

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The data presented in this report were collected from two online (web-based) surveys of Danish and Swedish consumers using self-administered questionnaires. One sample (n=1222) was collected among Danish consumers in August/September 2002 and one sample (n=1058) was collected among Swedish consumers in September 2002. The questionnaires were distributed to households by the use of an Internet-panel administered by Catinét Research. When a household consisted of more than one person, the respondent was chosen as the household-member most often responsible for carrying out the household’s grocery shopping.
ForlagCopenhagen Business School, CBS
Antal sider62
StatusUdgivet - jan. 2003
NavnEbizz Øresund


  • Elektronisk detailhandel
  • Markedsadfærd
  • Forbrugeradfærd
  • Danmark
  • Sverige
