The Networks and Niches of International Political Economy

Leonard Seabrooke, Kevin L. Young

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    We analyze the organizational logics of how social clustering operates within International Political Economy (IPE). Using a variety of new data on IPE publishing, teaching, and conference attendance, we use network analysis and community detection to understand social clustering within the field. We find that when it comes to publishing and intellectual engagement, IPE is highly pluralistic and driven by a logic of ‘niche proliferation’. Teaching IPE, however, is characterized by a ‘reduction to polarity’ that emphasizes a dualism in ontological and epistemological frames. In the face of competitive exclusion pressures, intellectual communities regenerate themselves by constructing niches while simultaneously nodding to a common tradition.
    TidsskriftReview of International Political Economy
    Udgave nummer2
    Sider (fra-til)288-331
    Antal sider44
    StatusUdgivet - 2017


    • Professional networks
    • Sociology of professions
    • Niche proliferation
    • Social clustering
    • Bibliometrics
    • Teaching
    • International political economy
