The Emergence and Impact of MNC Centres of Excellence: A Subsidiary Perspective

Ulf Holm, Torben Pedersen

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogForskning


    This study explores an important element in the development of the multinational corporation. Whilst previously the parent company was seen as the centre, and the foreign subsidiaries as the periphery, today, it is recognized that different subsidiaries have different roles, and are linked to each other in a complicated pattern. One crucial aspect of this is that some subsidiaries become "Centres of Excellence" (COE) controlling resources on which other parts of the corporation depend for their operations. This work investigates the existence of COEs in different countries, examining why they emerge and analysing their impact on corporate strategy. In the development of the multinational corporation different subsidiaries have different roles, and some become "Centres of Excellence" (COE) controlling resources on which other parts of the corporation depend. This work investigates COEs in different countries, examining why they emerge.
    ForlagPalgrave Macmillan
    Antal sider271
    ISBN (Trykt)0333752376
    StatusUdgivet - 1999

    Bibliografisk note

    Opstilling: 658.114 eme
    Løbe nr.: 001222


    • Multinationale selskaber
    • Centres of excellence
