The design of supply chains: A literature study and a preliminary model

Lars Bøge Sørensen

Publikation: Working paperForskning

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Keywords Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Design, Literature studyAbstract Argues stability is a design objective for supply chain design alongside cost, leadtime and responsiveness. Performs an extensive literature study on supply chain design,identifies methods, theories and objectives in the existing literature. Describes the conceptexternal specificity and how it's used to design supply chains. Using the concept upstream,archetypes of risk minimal and maximal design are identified. Downstream the conceptdescribes two viable scenarios, one minimizing the impact, the other minimizing theprobability of (intended) departure of a supply chain partner. Finally, principles for supplychain design are described and managerial outlined.
Antal sider26
ISBN (Elektronisk)x645152691
StatusUdgivet - 2004


  • supply chain management
  • informationssøgning
  • publiceringspraksis
  • forskningsformidling
