The Corporate Marketing Department: Between Value and Vanish

Thomas Ritter, Andreas Eggert, Eva Münkhoff, Wolfgang Ulaga

    Publikation: KonferencebidragKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningpeer review


    Corporate marketing has been downsized or eliminated in many firms. At the same time, firms that still own a corporate marketing department struggle with organizing and positioning their commercial front‐end. The question arises whether firms need a corporate marketing department, and if so, how it can best add value to the firm. Based on a qualitative study among B2B companies, we develop a conceptual framework highlighting the various parental roles through which corporate marketing can contribute to overall firm and business unit performance. In addition, we identify five gaps that restrain successful outcomes of corporate marketing activities. In sum, our framework provides important insights on how to successfully organize corporate marketing activities.
    Publikationsdatojul. 2014
    Antal sider1
    StatusUdgivet - jul. 2014
    BegivenhedISBM Academic Conference 2014: Advances in B-to-B Marketing - San Francisco State University, San Francisco, USA
    Varighed: 30 jul. 201431 jul. 2014


    KonferenceISBM Academic Conference 2014
    LokationSan Francisco State University
    BySan Francisco
