The Challenges of Implementing Temporal Shifts in Temporary Organizations: Implications of a Situated Temporal View

Anne Live Vaagaasar*, Tor Hernes, Therese Dille

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We apply a situated temporal view to reveal the acute challenge actors face in making changes when their project moves toward its final deadline. A situated temporal view takes account not just of the dwindling time left to change the future but also the lingering past, the combination of which poses particular challenges to organizers. We discuss aspects of temporary organizing that make such temporal shifts challenging: the complex interplay between temporal structures and practices, multiple temporal orientations, and deferred timing of temporal shifts. We suggest ideas for further research to apply a situated temporal view to temporary organizing.
TidsskriftProject Management Journal
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)420-428
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - aug. 2020

Bibliografisk note

Published online: 24. June 2020


  • Temporary organization
  • Project
  • Time frame
  • Shifts
  • Situated temporality
