The Careers, Survival Functions and Income of Artists

Trine Bille, Søren Jensen, Trine Vestergaard

    Publikation: Working paperForskning

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    Many studies on the creative labor market have been done with the purpose to get knowledge on the creative workers employment, working conditions, income etc. (e.g. Alper and Wassall (2006), Throsby (2001), Throsby and Hollister (2003), Heian, Løyland and Mangset (2008), Abbing (2002). Most studies have been based on interviews and this approach has of course its pros and cons. Very few studies are based on true longitudinal data making it possible to study artists income development and survival in the professions (one exception is Coulangeon et al., 2005) The aim of this study is to analyze, comparatively for different groups of artists, the factors that affect 1) the income of artists, and 2) the probability of an artist exits the artists labor market. The paper compares different groups of artists, by looking at income functions and survival functions concerning risks to exit the labor market, using event history techniques (survival functions and Cox regressions).
    UdgiverDepartment of Innovation and Organizational Economics, Copenhagen Business School
    Antal sider23
    StatusUdgivet - 2011


    • Longitudal data on creative labour market
    • Income and survival functions
    • Risk
