Temporary Refugee Protection and Labor-market Outcomes

Matilda Kilström, Birthe Larsen*, Elisabet Olme

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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We study a Danish reform in 2002 that lowered the ex-ante probability of refugees receiving permanent residency by prolonging the period before they were eligible to apply for such residency. Adherence to the new rules was determined by the date of the asylum application, and the reform was implemented retroactively. Using registry-based micro data, we study the effects on labor-market outcomes and investments in education. While proponents of temporary protection regimes argue that stronger incentives to qualify for residency based on labor-market attachment will speed up the labor-market integration, we find no evidence of positive effects on labor-market outcomes.
TidsskriftEmpirical Economics
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)1895-1929
Antal sider35
StatusUdgivet - okt. 2023

Bibliografisk note

Published online: 27 May 2023.


  • Refugees
  • Human capital
  • immigration
  • Employment
