Survey Results on Fashion Consumption and Sustainability among Young Swedes

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    Sustainable choices and behaviours are becoming ever more important in our daily lives in all consumption domains. This report focuses specifically on the consumption of textile fashion of young Swedish consumers. The purpose of this report is twofold: a) To describe current fashion consumption of young consumers and sustainability related attitudes and knowledge and b) to compare attitudes, knowledge and behaviour between consumers with different levels of awareness and commitment towards sustainability. The survey was conducted among 1,175 young Swedish consumers (aged 16-30) in 2012. The average age of respondents is 23.5 years, with 48.7% females and 51.3% males. The report focuses on three consumption phases: purchase (including pre-purchase), use & maintenance and discarding.
    ForlagMistra Future Fashion
    Antal sider82
    StatusUdgivet - 12 dec. 2013

    Bibliografisk note

    Mistra Project 7: Sustainable Consumption and Consumer Behavior
