Superdiverse Teams Drive Well-being in the Workplace

Lotte Holck, Lotte Hjortlund Andersen

Publikation: Working paperForskning

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Studies from ISS have validated how diverse teams perform better than homogeneous teams (ISS, 2011) and found that diversity drives leadership development (ISS, 2017). This ISS study reveals how a high numerical representation of differences or superdiversity drives social well-being in the workplace by encouraging 1) solidary acts of mutual support based on supplementary skills and abilities, 2) enhanced communication and socializing, which are necessary for collaboration in a diverse environment, and 3) open-mindedness creating collaborative and social bonds across age, gender, and ethnocultural differences.
UdgiverISS World Services A/S
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2018
NavnISS White Paper
