Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications

Larry Percy

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The key to effective integrated marketing communication is planning, and that is what this book is all about. It provides a disciplined, systematic look at what is necessary to the planning and implementation of an effective IMC programme. Throughout, attention is paid to balancing theory with practical application, how to successfully implement theory for effective communication. Step-by-step, knowledge and understanding builds through the book, starting by laying a foundation to provide context, looking at the role of IMC in building brands and strengthening companies. The book then looks at what goes into developing and executing effective messages, and how to ensure that they are consistent and consistently delivered, regardless of media. Everything is then pulled together, providing a detailed, practical overview of the strategic planning process, what goes into it, and how it is implemented. Numerous examples and cases are included, along with ‘desktop’ tools and worksheets for developing and implementing an IMC plan. Thoroughly updated, with special attention throughout to the increasing importance of digital media in marketing communication, new to this edition are: •the introduction of a general model of positioning and the important relationship between positioning and brand awareness and brand attitude strategy; •a look at the role of the preconscious in message processing; •a much expanded look at media and media planning concepts; •an expanded and more detailed section on digital media; •a section on content marketing.

Antal sider306
ISBN (Trykt)9781138056251, 9781138058323
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781315164342
StatusUdgivet - 2018
