Speeding Up Technology Transfer: A Case Study of an Emerging Country on the Pursuit of a COVID-19 Vaccine

Hugo Defendi*, Leonardo Santiago*

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


In this paper, we focus on the development and manufacturing of a vaccine to combat the COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccine has been considered by many specialists as the best strategy to face the pandemic. Developing a safe and effective vaccine to combat COVID-19 in a timely manner is as daunting as scaling-up manufacturing to produce billions of doses. To accomplish such a goal, pharmaceutical companies have to prepare themselves in terms of infrastructure to ramp-up production as quickly as possible. One potential alternative to do that is to build a network of manufacturing partners. We consider the question of how to speed up technology transfer to ramp-up production under time pressure. We explore the main factors that enact the execution of technology transfer, with particular focus on the managerial and strategic dimensions to support a swift vaccine technology transfer. We conduct an in-depth case study between a multinational pharmaceutical industry and a research and production institute, located in an emerging country. In spite of the present paper still being an ongoing research, we believe our results already shed light on how to prepare for the effective fight against pandemics that may arise in the future.
Titel2021 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Conference - Europe, TEMSCON-EUR 2021
RedaktørerTugrul Daim
Antal sider6
UdgivelsesstedLos Alamitos, CA
ISBN (Trykt)9781665431149
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781665440912
StatusUdgivet - 2021
Begivenhed2021 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Conference - Europe. TEMSCON-EUR 2021: Virtual Conference - Online, WWW
Varighed: 17 maj 202121 maj 2021


Konference2021 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Conference - Europe. TEMSCON-EUR 2021


  • Technology transfer
  • COVID-19 vaccine
  • Time pressure
