Sexism and Intersectionality. E8.

Sara Louise Muhr (Udøver), Thandi Dyani (Udøver), Trine Askholm (Producent)

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In this episode, the theme is intersectionality and why lived experiences need to be taken seriously.

To talk about that, Trine Askholm have asked Professor Sara-Louise Muhr to join her in the studio once again. And this time they have invited consultant and advisor Thandi Dyani to join.

As a listener, you will be able to hear a conversation about racism and discrimination, and how Thandi Dyani has been shifting people’s mindset with her work.

The interview circles around questions on ‘hygge’ discrimination and why it is important to say out loud if you have behaved racist. Have you ever behaved racist and felt embarrassed, listen to the words of the two experts here. Sara-Louise Muhr gives a definition on intersectionality for the listerners. We elaborate on why it is important for us to have a term like intersectionality.

In this episode, you will also hear personal stories from both the guest and the host, who share stories that can be difficult to say out loud.

Finally, we cover two stories from the book; two vignettes within the theme of intersectionality, myths and jokes.
Publikationsdato12 dec. 2023
StatusUdgivet - 12 dec. 2023
