Role of Blockchain in Forestalling Pandemics

Keshav Kaushik, Susheela Dahiya, Rajani Singh, Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi

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The unexpected development and quick; however, the uncontrolled overall spread of the Coronavirus shows us the disappointment of existing human services observation frameworks to convenient handle general wellbeing crises. In spite of the fact that upgrades in medicinal services observation have been understood, these still miss the mark in forestalling commotion. Absence of important advances taken to guarantee control and following of the infection have bothered the circumstance. Blockchain innovation has progressively been referenced as an instrument to help with different parts of various applications. This paper highlights the role of blockchain in forestalling the future of pandemics. Various use cases of blockchain technology that can help in the battle against the COVID-19 are also highlighted in this paper.
TitelProceedings of the 2020 IEEE 17th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS)
Antal sider6
UdgivelsesstedLos Alamitos, CA
Publikationsdatodec. 2020
ISBN (Trykt)9781728198675
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781728198668
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2020
NavnIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems
