Robots Conquering Local Government Services: A Case Study of Eldercare in Denmark

Jeppe Agger Nielsen, Kim Normann Andersen, Anne Sigh

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    The movement of robots from the production line to the service sector provides a potentially radical solution to innovate and transform public service delivery. Although robots are increasingly being adopted in service delivery (e.g., health- and eldercare) to enhance and in some cases substitute labour-intensive services, the public administration research community is short on knowledge of the impact on the work processes carried out in public organizations and how staff and clients react toward robots. This case study investigates the implementation and use of robot vacuum cleaners in Danish eldercare, demonstrating how robot vacuums have proven to have considerable interpretive flexibility with variation in the perceived nature of technology, technology strategy, and technology use between key stakeholders in eldercare.
    TidsskriftInformation Polity
    Udgave nummer2
    Sider (fra-til)139-151
    Antal sider13
    StatusUdgivet - 2016


    • Robots
    • Robot vacuum cleaners
    • Local government
    • Eldercare
    • Technological frames
    • Interpretive flexibility
