Renewing the Nissan Brand

James R. Rubin, Mary Jo Hatch, Majken Schultz

Publikation: AndetUndervisningscase


One of the directors described his time working at Nissan as a "near-death experience." It was a bumpy ride, but under the guidance of Carlos Gosen, Nissan became one of the most remarkable corporate turnaround stories in the automotive or any other industry. In this case, students can see how Gosen carried out his plan to rescue Nissan by building an emotional connection between customers and the brand, introducing cross-functional teams, designing the Xterra, encouraging managers to "lead from the middle," organizing the Shift marketing campaign, and answering the question, "What's your brand stand for?" Now, Nissan faces such issues as finding the right balance between managing costs and building demand and the level of differentiation needed to maintain the customer's relationship to the brand.
Publikationsdato24 apr. 2017
UdgiverCase Centre
Antal sider32
StatusUdgivet - 24 apr. 2017
NavnDarden Case

Bibliografisk note

CASE - Reference no. UVA-BC-0194


  • Operations management
  • Market analysis
  • Brand marketing
  • Management communication
  • Marketing
  • Marketing analytics & metrics
  • Strategy
