Reflexivity, Knowledge and the Management of Potential Innovation

Anders Bordum

    Publikation: Working paperForskning

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    In this article I will interpret John Deweys perspective on reflective thinking as if he were a philosopher of innovation management. From his pragmatist point of departure, the problems involved in knowledge-processes relevant to innovation are analysed and reconceptualised. On the basis of the analysis I attempt to identify some categories of general applicability when understanding, designing, and managing radical innovation processes. These categories are useful to conceptualise and talk about innovation, when knowledge is taken seriously, and when managing innovation is also understood as managing the production of new knowledge, that is of making the unjustified justified, and the unknown known. Keywords: Reflexivity, reflective thought, radical innovation, innovation management, potential innovation, Plato, John Dewey, epistemology, knowledge.
    Antal sider33
    ISBN (Trykt)8799022435
    StatusUdgivet - 2005


    • Innovation
    • Innovationsledelse
    • Refleksivitet
