Public Sector Accounting Education: A Structured Literature Review

Sotirios Karatzimas, Jens Heiling, Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskning


In recent years, public sector accounting education (PSAE) has received once more increased scholarly attention. Whereas in the 1980s and 1990s researchers from the United States focused on PSAE, it can now be observed that scholars from different countries perform research in this area. The authors want to understand the origins of PSAE and how PSAE has developed over time including its current status. This working paper undertakes a structured literature review of PSAE. In a first step, the paper underlines the growing importance of the topic and it then analyses and structures research in PSAE. In a last step, it discusses and concludes on future research directions.
Antal sider28
StatusUdgivet - 2021
BegivenhedEGPA 2021 Virtual Workshop - Virtuel workshop, WWW
Varighed: 20 jan. 202121 jan. 2021


WorkshopEGPA 2021 Virtual Workshop
LokationVirtuel workshop
