Programming in R - Basic Concepts: Version 1.0

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NB: See an updated version of this book via the link to the right: "Link to version 2.1 of the book"

This book is an introduction to R for the very beginner. It can also be a nice place to start if you have coded a bit but need more insight into what you are actually doing. After reading this compendium you are ready for more advances introductions to R, which often assume that you know some programming.
You can read the compendium in one long run or you can split it up. I recommend you to actually copy the code and run it in your own script or rmd-file (more on that in the next chapter). It should not take a long time as there is plenty with space - even if you run all the code as well.
Of cause you will not learn to really program before you have done some tasks using the tools you get here, either solving some exercises or - even better - working on your own data.
Chapter 7 on Regular expression is maybe not so important for the very beginner, so you can jump over it, and return to it when you need to work with text.
The material is developed by Sine Zambach, but some of the ideas - and even some of the text of this compendium is based on material that my old colleague, Irfan Kanat, created.
If you find errors, or have ideas for developing additional material, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Good luck with programming R!
ForlagCopenhagen Business School, CBS
Antal sider49
StatusUdgivet - 2022
