Predictable Financial Crises

Robin Greenwood, Samuel G. Hanson, Andrei Shleifer, Jakob Ahm Sørensen

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There is a long-standing debate on whether financial crises can be predicted. This column draws on a chronology of past financial crises and data on credit and asset prices for a panel of 42 countries between 1950-2016 and finds that if there is a large credit expansion with an asset price boom, then financial crises are highly predictable. These results are used to motivate a simple indicator that identifies periods of potential credit-market overheating. The indicator is shown to predict past crises in advance, suggesting that policymakers have time to act and take prophylactic policy interventions.
Publikationsdato15 jul. 2020
UdgiverCentre for Economic Policy Research
StatusUdgivet - 15 jul. 2020
