Playful Persuasion: The Rhetorical Potential of Advergames

Jonas Heide Smith, Sine Nørholm Just

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    The use of video games for advertising purposes is persuasive communication which directly involves the recipient in the construction of an argument. This form is becoming increasingly common, and the present article explores the phenomenon of game-based ad-vertising. We begin by discussing the increased reliance on participatory and digital rhetoric. We then proceed to examine game-based persuasion in light of rhetorical theory, and we propose an analytical model for such games which is applied to three sample games. The analytical model takes into account the degree to which the game makes a self-contained argument, the degree to which the product or service is integrated into the game, and whether the game goal and learning goal overlap. Finally, we discuss perspectives for the integration of communication studies and game studies.
    TidsskriftNordicom Review
    Udgave nummer2
    Sider (fra-til)53-68
    Antal sider16
    StatusUdgivet - mar. 2009


    • Video games
    • Rhetoric
    • Advertising
    • Persuasion
