Perspectives on Arts Entrepreneurship, Part 2

William B. Gartner, Joseph Roberts, Mark Rabideau

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    Contribution to the opinion series “Perspectives” on arts entrepreneurship; how arts entrepreneurship is situated in relation to other disciplines or fields; what problems we are grappling with as scholars, practitioners, teachers, and artists; and what are the research questions we are attempting to answer individually or as a field.
    Under the headline “Perspectives on Arts Entrepreneurship, part 2”, are responses from: William B. Gartner, Professor of Entrepreneurship at Copenhagen Business School and California Lutheran University; Joseph Roberts, Director of the Coleman Fellows Program, Associate Professor of management at Webster University, and co-editor of Artivate; and Mark Rabideau, Director of the 21st Century Musician program at DePauw University.
    TidsskriftArtivate: A Journal of Entrepreneurship in the Arts
    Udgave nummer2
    Sider (fra-til)3-6
    StatusUdgivet - 2015
