Performing Identities: Processes of Brand and Stakeholder Identity Co-construction

Sylvia von Wallpach, Andrea Hemetsberger, Peter Espersen

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This article provides in-depth insights into the dynamic, performative co-construction of stakeholder and brand identity in the context of the LEGO brand. Based on detailed considerations of individual and social identity theory, a critique of research on brand identity, and a review of current performative approaches to branding, this study applies a performativity theory perspective. Brand performances—encompassing playing and liking, basement building and showcasing, creating and innovating, community building and facilitating, storytelling, missionizing, and marketplace developing—exhibit generic ludic, creative, economic, and socializing qualities and co-construct involved identities. The findings contribute to a dynamic view of brand identity, highlighting brand identity's performative construction alongside constructions of stakeholder identities and the strong interrelatedness of company and stakeholders as agents of brand performance.
TidsskriftJournal of Business Research
Sider (fra-til)443-452
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - jan. 2017


  • Brand
  • Stakeholder
  • Identity
  • Co-construction
  • Performativity theory
