Optimal Investment Strategies with a Heath-Jarrow-Morton Term Structure of Interest Rates

Publikation: Working paperForskning


We study the consumption and investment choice of a price-taking utility-maximizing investor having access to trade in stocks and interest-rate dependent assets with a stochastically evolving term structure of interest rates. We derive explicit expressions for the optimal investment strategy of a HARA utility investor in a market where the term structure of interest rates is given by a general, possibly non-Markovian multi-factor Gaussian Heath-Jarrow-Morton term structure model and market prices of risk are deterministic. The optimal investment strategy combines the growth-optimal strategy and a single bond hedging the multi-factor interest rate risk. With utility from terminal wealth only, the hedge bond is the zero-coupon bond maturing at the horizon of the investor. With utility from intermediate consumption, the hedge bond has a continuous coupon proportional to the expected future consumption rate under the forward martingale measure.
UdgiverSyddansk Universitet
Antal sider20
StatusUdgivet - 1999

Bibliografisk note

Opstilling: 658.152 mun
Løbe nr.: 999161


  • Renter
  • Investeringsplanlægning
