On the Economics of Innovation Projects: Product Experimentation in the Music Industry

Mark Lorenzen, Lars Frederiksen

    Publikation: Working paperForskning

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    The paper is conceptual, combining project and economic organization literatures in order to explain the organization and management of market-based projects. It dedicates particular focus to projects set up in order to facilitate product innovation through experimentation. It investigates the internal vs. market economies of scale and scope related to projects, as well as the issues of governance, planning and coordination related to reaping such economies. Incorporating transaction cost perspectives as well as considerations of labour markets, the paper explains the management of market-organized
    innovation projects by virtue of localized project ecologies and local labour markets of leaders and boundary spanners. It illustrates its arguments with a case study of the Recorded Music industry.
    UdgiverDRUID - Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics
    Antal sider24
    ISBN (Trykt)8778731895
    StatusUdgivet - 2005
    NavnDRUID Working Paper
