New Competences Enhancing Procurement's Contribution to Innovation and Sustainability

Philip Beske-Janssen*, Thomas E. Johnsen, François Constant, Andreas Wieland

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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This research presents the results of a multiple method study exploring the future competence requirements for purchasing and supply management (PSM) professionals in the face of increasing demand for innovative and sustainable product and service solutions. Data collection consisted of four stages: first, a World Café was held to gather experts’ insights into PSM skills, which helped to refine a first survey round of eleven open-ended questions. A second survey round then followed, presenting four scenarios based on the results of the initial round. Finally, interviews were conducted to explore the results in detail. The participants in all stages were senior PSM experts from a variety of sectors, including manufacturing and service organisations, as well as academic institutions, consulting firms and non-governmental organisations. The results show that the expected changes in the future business environment mainly concern the application of digital technologies, increasing supply chain flexibility and transparency, sustainability performance and the need to build soft skills to support interpersonal relationships as well as hard skills to support supply chain design.
TidsskriftJournal of Purchasing & Supply Management
Udgave nummer3
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2023

Bibliografisk note

Published online: 6 May 2023.


  • Procurement
  • Skills and competences
  • Sustainability
  • Innovation
  • Multiple method study
