Multinational Exploration of Acquired R&D Activities

Publikation: Working paperForskning

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This paper presents the results of a survey of 54 Danish multinational corporations that haveacquired activities abroad. The role of the acquired R&D units was the focus of the survey,particularly with respect to the schism between basic and applied R&D, and the schismbetween autonomous and network R&D. This paper establishes the connection between amultinational corporation that follows a capability-motivated acquisition strategy and theR&D role new subsidiaries should play in order for the acquired resources to be utilizedcorporation-wide. Statistical findings reveal the need to follow a combination of basic andnetwork-oriented R&D activities when focusing on capability development.Keywords: Acquisition; Research and Development (R&D), Basic R&D, Applied R&D,Autonomy, Network, Capabilities.
Antal sider28
ISBN (Trykt)8791506220
StatusUdgivet - 2004


  • Multinationale selskaber
  • R&D management
  • R&D planlægning
