Modmask: Starting Up in a Pandemic

    Publikation: AndetUndervisningscase


    In the middle of the 2020 COVID crisis, Maryam Garg has launched a premium mask business. She struggles to figure out which suppliers to use and how to build a reliable relationship with them. Students explore different criteria for making that choice, including Maryam's personal motivation and goals, strategic landscape, cost, and interpersonal communication and trust. The case explores decision-making in the context of life-style entrepreneurship and in highly volatile competitive environments.
    Publikationsdato20 dec. 2020
    UdgivelsesstedLos Angeles, CA
    UdgiverUSC-Marshall/Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies
    Antal sider15
    StatusUdgivet - 20 dec. 2020


    • Business models
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Partnerships
    • Start-ups
    • Strategy
    • Suppliers
