Meat Your Enemy: Animal Rights, Alignment and Radical Change

Glen Whelan, Jean-Pascal Gond

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    Radical change can be conceived in terms of the reconceiving of ontological distinctions, such as those separating humans from animals. In building on insights from French pragmatism, we suggest that, while no doubt very difficult, radical change can potentially be achieved by creating “alignment” between multiple “economies of worth” or “common worlds” (e.g., the market world of money, the industrial world of efficiency). Using recent campaigns by animal rights organizations as our case, we show how the design of “tests” (e.g., tests of profitability, tests of efficiency) can help align multiple common worlds in support for radical change. Our analysis contributes to the broader management and organization studies literatures by conceiving radical change in terms of changing ontological categorizations (e.g., human/animals vs. sentient/ non-sentient), and by proposing that radical social change agents can be helpfully conceived as opportunistically using events to cumulatively justify the change they desire overtime.
    TidsskriftJournal of Management Inquiry
    Udgave nummer2
    Sider (fra-til)123-138
    Antal sider16
    StatusUdgivet - apr. 2017


    • Alignment
    • Animal rights
    • Common worlds
    • Economies of worth
    • Social change
