Living in Translation

Arnt Lykke Jakobsen

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    Exaugural presentation.
    A retrospect of my personal itinerary from literature, across translation studies to translation process research and a look ahead. In the retrospect, I range over diverse topics, all of which have sprung from my concern with the phenomenon of translation. I reflect on how, as humans, we generate meaning, interpret meaning, and reformulate or translate meaning. I also reflect on the way computing has influenced research into these phenomena as seen e.g. in my creation of the Translog program and in projects I have been involved in, such as OFT (Translation of Professional-Language Texts), Eye-to-IT, and other CRITT-WCRE projects. Two more recent projects not led by me, CASMACAT and SEECAT, give me an opportunity to look ahead into what I believe are very significant new technological advances with great potential for business and
    industry, for strengthening the use of Danish for global communication purposes, and for improving research into translation, the phenomenon of translation and the world of translation in which we all live.
    StatusUdgivet - 2014
    Begivenhed2014 CRITT - WCRE Conference: Translation in Transition: Between Cognition, Computing and Technology - Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Danmark
    Varighed: 30 jan. 201431 jan. 2014


    Konference2014 CRITT - WCRE Conference
    LokationCopenhagen Business School
