Leveraging Technology for Refugee Integration: How Can We Help?

Safa'a Abu Jarour, Hanna Krasnova, Helena Wenninger, Jane Fedorowicz, Sebastian Olbrich, Chee-Wee Tan, Cathy Urquhart

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    Spurred by the military conflicts, refugees’ crisis has swept Europe by surprise. With a challenge of integrating refugees into hosting societies comes the question about the role that ICTs could play in the ongoing integration efforts. Indeed, unprecedented reliance of refugees on technology, especially smartphones, is an important distinction of the current refugees’ crisis. ICT may support integrative efforts undertaken by local authorities and other stakeholders. Nonetheless, the question how ICTs can be applied to support refugees and how detrimental effects for them and the hosting societies can be mitigated is difficult to answer. The panel discussion will be structured around four areas: (1) communication with the government; (2) social connectedness; (3) participation in educational programs; and (4) integration and social inclusion. The goal is to present the chances and challenges of ICT use by refugees on an operational level, and how ICT systems should be designed and culturally adapted.
    TitelICIS 2016 Proceedings
    Antal sider6
    UdgivelsesstedAtlanta, GA
    ForlagAssociation for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL)
    ISBN (Elektronisk)9780996683135
    StatusUdgivet - 2016
    BegivenhedThe 37th International Conference on Information Systems. ICIS 2016: Digital Innovation at the Crossroads - University of Limerick, Dublin, Irland
    Varighed: 11 dec. 201614 dec. 2016
    Konferencens nummer: 37


    KonferenceThe 37th International Conference on Information Systems. ICIS 2016
    LokationUniversity of Limerick
    AndetThirty Seventh International Conference on Information Systems
    NavnProceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems
