Leveraging Emergent Social Interactions for Value Co-creation on Transaction Platforms

Rainer Schmidt, Kathrin Kirchner, Liana Razmerita

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Transaction platforms supporting the exchange of services and products between actor groups are the foundation of many new business models. Attracting enough actors by propositioning value is crucial for the success of transaction platforms. Therefore, the proper design of value creation mechanisms is a pre-condition to be successful. Initially, the focus of val-ue creation was on network effects, but now the inter-actions between the actors are being examined more closely. Emergent social interactions (ESI) – are initi-ated by users on their initiative and are not subject to top-down planning. However, their impact on value creation on transaction platforms has not been re-searched in depth. Therefore, our paper investigates how emergent social interactions con-tribute to value co-creation mechanisms on transaction platforms. We apply a Service-Dominant Logic (S-D logic) theoreti-cal lens and create a framework that describes the impact of emergent social interactions on value co-creation. Our framework integrates the moderation of ESI-based value-co-creation by market properties. Based on the framework, platform designers and en-trepreneurs can better decide on the design of trans-action platforms in general and the employment of emergent social interactions. Our theoretical contri-bution paves the way to developing methods for de-signing transactional platforms using emergent social interactions respecting the context set by market properties
TitelProceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
RedaktørerTung X. Bui
Antal sider10
ForlagHawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
ISBN (Elektronisk)9780998133157
StatusUdgivet - 2022
BegivenhedThe 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences : HICSS 2022 - Wailea, USA
Varighed: 3 jan. 20226 jan. 2022
Konferencens nummer: 55


KonferenceThe 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
NavnProceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
