Learning in Practice

Poula Helth

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportPh.d.-afhandling

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The thesis presents the essence of my study of how leaders transform their practice through aesthetic performance. The background of the study is leaders' need for learning in and through practice, as an alternative to learning in classrooms and to leadership education programs. The study is based on theories of aesthetic performance and transformative learning, and on empirical studies through interventive methods within action research and ethnography. Transformative learning in my study has been developed based on aesthetic performance addressing leaders’ learning in practice. This kind of learning happens when leaders become aware of the potential for transformation of their leadership practice when they experiment with aesthetic performance integrated in a learning process. The greatest impact in relation to organisational transformation is, when leaders base their learning on a collective of leaders, which seems to underpin leaders’ feeling of togetherness and encourage a shared understanding of the prerequisites for changes in the organisational practice. Transformative learning takes place when leaders sense what emerges and affect others in a way that lead to changes of their practice. In three separate topics, my study firstly explores how aesthetic performance affects leadership at a personal level, secondly enhances transformation of leaders’ practice in the daily organisational context and thirdly helps leaders to handle dilemmas when an overall learning design is combined with the aesthetic. In my study of leaders’ practice through the different topics, one topic builds on another.
ForlagCopenhagen Business School [Phd]
Antal sider144
ISBN (Trykt)9788793579569
ISBN (Elektronisk)9788793579576
StatusUdgivet - 2018
NavnPhD series
