Knowledge Flows, Governance and the Multinational Enterprise: Frontiers in International Management Research

Volker Mahnke, Torben Pedersen

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogForskning


    This work contributes to the understanding of knowledge governance in the multinational corporation. Intra-firm and inter-firm processes of knowledge creation, sharing and exploitation have attracted increasingly managerial and scholarly interest. However the relation between particular knowledge processes, determinants of organizational choices, governance mechanisms, their relevant costs and benefits, and associated strategic advantages remain less well understood. To address these challenges, this book gives answers to the following questions: what are key challenges of governing knowledge in the multinational corporation? How do contingencies influence relevant trade offs? And how do sets of governance mechanisms respond to problems of cognition and incentives?
    ForlagPalgrave Macmillan
    Antal sider293
    ISBN (Trykt)1403933111
    StatusUdgivet - 2004

    Bibliografisk note

    Opstilling: 442 kno
    Løbe nr.: 0311682


    • Virksomhedens kommunikation
    • Viden
    • Videnledelse
    • Corporate governance
    • Videnoverførsel
    • Multinationale selskaber
