It's All Method: Schmitz and Neo-phenomenology

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The chapter introduces Hermann Schmitz’s neo-phenomenology to explore what phenomenology can offer to organization studies. Taking a methodological perspective, the chapter reflects phenomenology as also always about method due to the inherent ontological link, as noted by Heidegger. What we can know is intrinsically linked with how we know. The neo-phenomenological perspective contributes to acknowledging everyday phenomena, like atmospheres, which have become of increased interest in organization studies. Schmitz’s neo-phenomenology seeks to reclaim everyday experience as a valuable source of knowledge forming as an embodied attunement. Within his neo-phenomenological thinking Schmitz calls for phenomenological revision as method—building on exploration and continuous questioning. Further, by understanding phenomena as always seen in relation to something, Schmitz proposes poetic explication to account for fluid phenomena. As such the ontological condition of method is being addressed. Accordingly researching fluid (organizational) phenomena, like atmosphere, offers a way to rethink research accounts in performative ways moving beyond representation. The chapter seeks to illustrate and reflect upon how the neo-phenomenological approach can provide alternative ways to engage with relational phenomena in organization studies through the example of organizational atmospheres.
TitelThe Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization Studies
RedaktørerFrançois-Xavier de Vaujany, Jeremy Aroles, Mar Perézts
Antal sider20
ForlagOxford University Press
ISBN (Trykt)9780192865755
ISBN (Elektronisk)9780191956508
StatusUdgivet - 2023
NavnOxford Handbooks


  • Hermann Schmitz
  • Neo-phenomenology
  • Method
  • Organizational atmosphere
  • Poetic explication
