Introduction: “Science as a Vocation” as a Spiritual Exercise

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This brief essay is an invitation to today’s sociologists to go back to Weber’s "Science as a Vocation" with Keith Tribe and Ian Hunter as guides. We highlight two main aspects of their readings. First, "Science as a Vocation" appears as an exemplary exercise on the sociology of academic life. Weber’s lecture is not only a diagnosis of the conditions of the early Twentieth century scientist. It formulates also a set of key questions that could guide the sociological diagnostic of the conditions of social research in contemporary universities. Second, "Science as a Vocation" is Weber’s spiritual exercise. It could be read as providing a stance that sociologists should follow in order to live up to the demands of their academic office.
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)117-124
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 2018


  • "Science as a vocation"
  • Sociology of academic life
  • Value free
  • Weber
  • Spiritual exercise
