Instagram for Educators

Valeria Giacomin, Christina Lubinski

    Publikation: AndetUndervisningscase


    Students who are engaged with what they are learning perform better and retain more information. One way to boost student engagement is the use of Instagram in the classroom. Instagram is a social media platform, which differentiates from alternatives in prioritizing visual content, in particular photos and videos. Because it is very popular with the younger generation - 71% of its active users are under the age of 35 - it is an engaging platform that can be leveraged for education. In this note, we show that Instagram provides a set of features that are extremely engaging and interactive and thus very well suited for classroom use. We provide best practices for the use of Instagram in education, highlight some of the potential problems of the medium and give advice on how to mitigate them.
    Publikationsdato20 jan. 2020
    UdgivelsesstedLos Angeles, CA
    UdgiverUSC-Marshall/Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies
    Antal sider21
    StatusUdgivet - 20 jan. 2020
    NavnHistorical Entrepreneurship Case Series

    Bibliografisk note

    Technical note - Reference no. SCG-864.


    • Teaching methods
    • Faculty & students
    • Social media
