title = "Influencing Beliefs: A Crucial Capability for Value Creation in the Network Economy",
keywords = "Virksomhedens strategi, V{\ae}rdiskabelse, Iv{\ae}rks{\ae}ttere, Netv{\ae}rks{\o}konomi, Beliefs",
author = "Foss, {Nicolai J.}",
year = "2001",
language = "English",
isbn = "8778690722",
series = "Working Paper / Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy. Copenhagen Business School",
publisher = "Institut for Industri{\o}konomi og Virksomhedsstrategi, Handelsh{\o}jskolen i K{\o}benhavn",
number = "7/2001",
address = "Denmark",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "Institut for Industri{\o}konomi og Virksomhedsstrategi, Handelsh{\o}jskolen i K{\o}benhavn",