If the Bridge Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It: The Hidden Curriculum of Higher Education Internationalization. Thoughts from Denmark

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    Denmark is among the world’s most competitive nations. At the same time it has a strong tradition of citizenship‐oriented tertiary education. Nevertheless, we are currently witnessing the erosion of this tradition, arguably as a result of neoliberal ideologies ushered in by globalization and internationalization processes. These processes have stirred domestic fears, evident in government reports, about the need to improve Danish higher education to ‘meet the challenges of globalisation’. Concrete instances of possible erosion include recent directives to examine and grade group work on an individual basis, the abolition of the ‘13’ grade for individual or group performance, and the introduction of measurable skills via “learning objectives,” for all tertiary education courses.
    UdgiverDepartment of Intercultural Communication and Management, Copenhagen Business School
    Antal sider20
    StatusUdgivet - 2009
    NavnWorking Paper / Intercultural Communication and Management
