Ideologies and Realities in Prison Law: Some Trends

Vagn Greve, Annika Snare

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


    For a long period prisoners were in a kind of law-exempted space. It is only in more recent times they have received rights comparable to the human rights citizens enjoy outside prisons. This article reviews the characteristics and developments of legislations in the Nordic countries, England, Germany and U.S.A. It is noted that legislation in all these countries has moved toward principles of the ‘Rechtsstaat’. However, it is also shown that today is marked by a reverse trend, which has led to – and will lead to – abandonment of achieved rights. ‘Rechtsstaat’-principles have not been replaced by principles of ‘welfare state’ ideologies, but mainly by pure retribution or punitiveness.
    TitelCriminal Law
    RedaktørerPeter Wahlgren
    Antal sider26
    ForlagStockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law
    Publikationsdatosep. 2009
    ISBN (Trykt)9789185142682
    StatusUdgivet - sep. 2009
    NavnScandinavian Studies in Law


    • Strafferet
    • Fængsler
    • Retspolitik
