Identifying User Experience Goals for Interactive Climate Management Business Systems

Torkil Clemmensen, Stephanie Barlow

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


    This paper presents findings from interpretative phenomenological interviews
    about the user experience of interactive climate management with six growers and crop consultants. The focus of user experience research has been on quantitative studies of consumers’ initial usage experiences, for example of mobile phones or e-commerce websites. In contrast, this empirical paper provides an example of how to capture user experience in work contexts and with a qualitative methodology. We present a model of the essence of the emotional user experience of interactive climate management. Then we suggest interpretations of these experiences in the forms of nomological networks of emotions by expanding the model for each of three main factors. In conclusion, the findings for two main stakeholder groups are reported in a user experience target table, which can be the basis for future research on user experience of interactive climate management in this and other domains. The overall aim with the paper is to take the concept of user experience into the IS community and to describe and understand what are individual workers’ positive emotional use experiences when interacting with workplace systems.
    TitelPast History and Future Challenges of Human Work Interaction Design (HWID) : Generating Cross-domain Knowledge About Connecting Work Analysis and Interaction Design. Workshop at INTERACT 2013
    RedaktørerTorkil Clemmensen, Bengt Sandblad, Arminda Lopes, José Abdelnour-Nocera
    ForlagINTERACT 2013
    Publikationsdatosep. 2013
    ISBN (Trykt)9780620580373
    StatusUdgivet - sep. 2013
    BegivenhedThe 14th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. INTERACT 2013 - Cape Town, Sydafrika
    Varighed: 2 sep. 20136 sep. 2013
    Konferencens nummer: 14


    KonferenceThe 14th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. INTERACT 2013
    ByCape Town
    SponsorInternational Federation for Information Processing


    • Climate management
    • Interpretative phenomenological analysis
    • Usability
    • User experience
