ICT Innovation in Contemporary India: Three Emerging Narratives

Sudhanshu Rai, Sutirtha Chatterjee, Suprateek Sarker

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


    The paper we present here discusses ICT innovation in India using a narrative framework. We argue that ICT innovation has not really been a subject matter sufficiently researched in information systems from the perspective of innovation in developing countries. We use a grounded theory inspired approach and we discovered three narratives of innovation in India; a) the supply narrative, b) the technology narrative and c) the collaborative narrative. We detect the evolution of these narratives and aim to continue further work to understand the factors involved in the emergence and shift of these narratives on a more granular level.
    Titel3rd Annual Workshop : Special Interest Group for ICT in Global Development (SIG GlobDev)
    Antal sider11
    ISBN (Trykt)9780982606827
    StatusUdgivet - 2010
    Begivenhed3rd Annual Workshop. Special Interest Group for ICT in Global Development (SIG GlobDev) - St. Louis, USA
    Varighed: 12 dec. 2010 → …


    Konference3rd Annual Workshop. Special Interest Group for ICT in Global Development (SIG GlobDev)
    BySt. Louis
    Periode12/12/2010 → …
