How the Direction of Institutional Distance Influences Foreign Entry Mode Choices: An Information Economics Perspective

Michael Mueller, Guus Hendriks, Arjen H.L. Slangen

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


In this chapter, we aim to shed more light on the role of formal institutional distance in firms’ foreign entry mode choices by accounting for the direction of that distance. Specifically, we distinguish between foreign entries where the host country is institutionally less developed than the investing firm’s home country (negative institutional distance) and those where the host country’s institutions are comparatively more developed (positive institutional distance), and explore whether these different types of entries are implemented through different equity-based modes. We take an information economics perspective to develop hypotheses on the effects of positive and negative formal institutional distance on firms’ choices between greenfields and acquisitions, and between full and partial ownership of greenfield and acquired subsidiaries. We test our hypotheses on a sample of 1,070 foreign entries made by 796 emerging market multinationals originating from 14 countries. Controlling for the host country’s formal institutional quality and other factors, we find that negative institutional distance increases the likelihood that a foreign entry takes the form of a greenfield investment rather than an acquisition and that positive institutional distance decreases that likelihood. We also find that negative institutional distance increases the chances that firms choose greenfield joint ventures over wholly owned greenfields and full over partial acquisitions. Finally, we find that positive institutional distance does not affect firms’ ownership stake choices, neither for greenfields nor for acquisitions. Overall, these findings argue for a nuanced, contingency view of the role of formal institutional distance in foreign entry mode choices. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to use information economics to construct a holistic picture of firms’ equity-based entry mode choices, taking into account both establishment and ownership modes
TitelDistance in International Business : Concept, Cost and Value
RedaktørerAlain Verbeke, Jonas Puck, Rob van Tulder
Antal sider26
ForlagEmerald Group Publishing
ISBN (Trykt)9781787437197
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781787437180, 9781787438415
StatusUdgivet - 2018
Udgivet eksterntJa
NavnProgress in International Business Research


  • Information economics
  • Intitutional distance
  • Entry mode choice
  • Emerging market multinationals
