Gramophone: Reimagining Music

    Publikation: AndetUndervisningscase


    The case traces the development of the early gramophone industry through the eyes of the American talent scout and producer Fred Gaisberg. It explores the emergence of the sound recording industry in the US since 1877, including the challenges of defining the application of this new technology, building a market and responding to critics. It then shows the difficulties of gramophone entrepreneurs expanding globally and, in particular, focuses on the expansion into India, an unfamiliar market for these entrepreneurs.
    Publikationsdato5 nov. 2019
    UdgivelsesstedLos Angeles, CA
    UdgiverUSC-Marshall/Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies
    Antal sider16
    StatusUdgivet - 5 nov. 2019

    Bibliografisk note

    Case - Reference no. SCG-557.


    • Entrepreneurship
    • Innovation
    • International business
    • National differences
    • Business history
