title = "Globalizing America: The USA in World Integration",
abstract = "An argument that globalization is an ungoverned integration process in which US firms are agents of structural change. It describes the benefits and costs (for example, generating pressure for protection of US home markets), and reviews the expansion of interdependencies between the US and others.",
keywords = "Teknologisk udvikling, Integration-international, Virksomhedens internationalisering, USA, {\O}konomisk globalisering",
author = "Brewer, {Thomas L.} and Gavin Boyd",
note = "Opstilling: 339.90 glo L{\o}be nr.: 002288",
year = "2000",
language = "English",
isbn = "1858989817",
series = "New horizons in international business",
publisher = "Edward Elgar Publishing",
address = "United Kingdom",