Global Mobility of Employees: Creating an Audit Tool to Support Good Practice

Michael Dickmann*, Cordula Barzantny*, Maike Andresen, Silke Anger, Akram Al Ariss, Herbert Brücker, Liisa Mäkelä, Sara Louise Muhr, Vesa Suutari, Mette Zølner

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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Global mobility of employees: creating an audit tool to support good practice The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action ‘Global Mobility of Employees’ (GLOMO) strives for a comprehensive investigation of global mobility into EU countries and within the EU and its impact on international careers. Using qualitative and quantitative research methods, 15 early-stage researchers and their supervisors explore the conditions for career mobility and advancement among self-initiated expatriates in Europe. The studies analyse key variables at the micro-level of individual employees, meso-level variables across a sample of different companies and macro-level factors capturing different institutional contexts at the national level.
TidsskriftProject Repository Journal
Sider (fra-til)48-51
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - jul. 2022
