From AI, Creativity and Music to IoT, HCI, Musical Instrument Design and Audio Interaction: A Journey in Sound

Alan Chamberlain*, Adrian Hazzard, Elizabeth Kelly, Mads Bødker, Maria Kallionpää

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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This introduction brings together a range of research, a majority of which was presented at the Audio Mostly conference hosted at the University of Nottingham. The conference brings together a range of researchers, industry, designers and edu- cators to discuss all things audio-related, the main focus of the conference is to further understand the different ways in which we can interact with audio-based technologies. This special issue is testament to the international and interdisciplinary nature of the growing Audio Mostly conference, which brings together a range of experts from across the world.
TidsskriftPersonal and Ubiquitous Computing
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)617-620
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - aug. 2021

Bibliografisk note

Published online: 01 April 2021.
