Framing of Ethical Issues in the Network Society: The Interplay between the Active Online Public and News Media

    Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review


    Purpose: This study investigates the moral framing of an ethical issue by various actors and looks at the agenda setting effects between news media and the active online public as represented in social media.
    Design: We coded 4114 sentences manually and conducted an analysis of conditional probability of co-occurrence between actors and issues to identify associative frames. An ARIMA model and time series are applied to detect the interplay between the active online public and news media over a period of three months.
    Findings: The analysis reveals different framings of the ethical issue by various actors. Furthermore, evidence of a bi-directional relationship between news media and the active online public is found, whereby the news media more strongly precedes social media.
    Originality: We apply an audience-driven framework that conceptualizes parts of the general public as the active online public. This is the first study, where a time series analysis of associated frames between news media and social media is conducted.
    Antal sider22
    StatusUdgivet - 2013
    BegivenhedICA Pre-conference 2013: CSR and Communication: Extending the Agenda - Cass Business School, London, Storbritannien
    Varighed: 17 jun. 201317 jun. 2013


    KonferenceICA Pre-conference 2013
    LokationCass Business School


    • Moral framing
    • social media
    • third level agenda setting
    • associated frames
